Client: Tibor Tot

Company: Favy

Industry: SaaS

Buyer Persona: Entrepreneurs and Personal Brands

Author: Fatima Alji

Contract Date: 29 December 2021 to 30 January 2022

Publish Date: 4th March 2022

How just with clarity he had 70+ customers on his SaaS waitlist


Tibor has a history in writing and co-founding revolutionary softwares and clearly has many Entrepreneurial skills. So he understands the importance of Personal branding and bootstrapping. Although most of his public talks don’t focus directly on marketing, we applied his knowledge of this area to boost his personal brand, giving him great Clarity and a queue of 72 people on the waitlist for his new software Favy

The Story of Tibor Tot

Tibor is a 19 y/o college dropout, Co-founded Favy with Yash Patil. He has been using Twitter since 2018 and educating 100s of people online about writing, marketing, and personal branding. Just 3 months before Favy was about to launch, he started being confused about aligning his own brand with Favy and connecting with the audience on his Twitter. Just then when we were talking on Twitter I got to know his problem hence offered him a Free Brand strategy discovery call.

The Lack of Clarity was stopping him from achieving his goals

The issue with Tibor was that he lacked clarity about his own brand and how he would connect with his audience on a deeper level without being promotional for his SaaS

He came to me saying that he doesn’t understand what type of content he must put out to maintain his brand value and position him as an expert in the industry.

Why Tibor Chose Fatima’s Personal Branding services

On the discovery call itself, I communicated the value properly of how would the process look like without demanding much of his time. After asking him a few questions about him and his business model and on the spot, I gave him a roadmap which was his exact need, hence we moved further.

The Process

To be honest, I myself really enjoyed the process and so did he. We started with 3 workshops to discover his vision, mission, competition, and most importantly understood his targeted audience and made brand awareness and content strategies - It took us 3 weeks to start seeing the results but it was worth all the patience ⤵️

The Results

But Just after the workshop, he could visualize himself doing unexceptionally great work of helping his audience, 8 days before the launch - our contract ended but with 70+ customers on his waitlist to use his software for the paid version and 100+ followers within 1 month.

What are you waiting for?

If you want to get the same results or even better - Let’s understand YOU and Your business model to your reach dream goals using the power of Brand strategy, Organic marketing strategies and content marketing. Email me at [email protected]

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